How To Stop Lying And Regain The Trust Of People Around You

Become honest for your sake and that of everyone else.

David Walby
4 min readAug 3, 2024
Photo by Christina Langford-Miller on Unsplash

You’re a liar; shame on you.

At least you’ve recognized the problem and can now begin to work towards fixing it.

If you are reading this article, I am going to assume that you’re a liar who wants to recover. If not, there is not much relevant information for you here.

You will likely find this article more applicable.

Why You Need To Stop Lying

Not only does lying hurt those around you, but it also destroys your reputation faster than almost anything else.

No one will trust you or want to be around you if you are a known liar. By the way, don’t think you’re smart enough not to get caught.

Even if you manage to avoid getting caught for a time, the truth will eventually come out, one way or another. You will face the consequences of your actions either way. The consequences of lying far outweigh any…



David Walby

Online writer on a mission to help 100,000 people grow and become better communicators. I write on Medium and X.